2012 №№ 1–2


Marina Sviderskaya. «He was a man, take him for all in all...»

Lidia Chakovskaya. In conversation with Y.I.Rotenberg


Gleb Pospelov. On Stylistic Polarization in Post-Medieval European Art

Larisa Tananayeva. The Notion of Style in Latin America’s XVI-XVIII Centuries Colonial Art

Valery Turchin. Romanticism: Nostalgia for Ideals and Time of Dreams. Prolegomena

Peter Kutsenkov. «Symbolic behavior» of human ancestors and earliest works of art of Homo sapiens sapiens

Oleg Krivtsun. Plastic Variations of the Existential (from Art history of new Russia)


Ekaterina Zolotova. West-European Illuminated Manuscripts: Problems and Methods of Research and Catalogs

Evgenia Shidlovskaya. «Maniera all’antica» in Italian Book Illumination of Early Renaissance

Anna Vinogradova. The Principle of Harmony in Italian Visual Art of the XV Century: Theory and Practice

Ludmila Linanskaya. Raphael’s Project of Restoring Ancient Rome. The Puzzles and the Studies

Maria Demidova. «Own» & «Alien» Antiquity in the French Renaissance

Elena Efimova. Early Antique Studies by Jacque Andrue-Duserseau: on the Part of Antiquity in the Master’s Creative Formation

Elena Vasilieva. Theatrical Sense in G.B.Tiepolo’ Painting

Mariam Nikogosyan. Tiepolo’s «Story of Anthony and Cleopatra» from the collection of Prince N.B.Yusupov: the subject, its sources and interpretation

Pavel Lutsker. The Career of Carlo Goldoni as Opera Librettist

Ludmila Starikova. Giacomo Quarenghi and Russia’s Theatre under Catherine II

Lubov Savinskaya. The Yusupov Collection of Paintings as Phenomenon of Russia’s Cultural Life of Late XVIII – Early XIX Centuries

Ekaterina Usova. French Animalist Sculpture of the Art Nouveau Epoch

Tatiana Gnedovskaya. The Artists’ Colony in Worpswede. The History of a Community

Oksana Vashchuk. International Style of Graphic Design as Reflected in “Neue Grafik” Magazine (1958-1965)


Ludmila Monakhova. Architecture and Project Thinking of the XX Century’s Second Half. From Stylistic Preferences to Space and Daily Life Culture

Sharif Shukurov. Architectural Texture in the Context of Tradition and Innovation


Мария Чегодаева. Б.М. Бернштейн. Визуальный образ и мир искусства. Санкт-Петербург: Петрополис, 2006

Николай Хренов. А.К. Якимович. Искусство непослушания. Вольные беседы о свободе творчества. Санкт-Петербург: Дмитрий Буланин, 2011

Михаил Соколов. О «тоталитарном» и тотальном искусстве. Мысли по поводу книги: Ю.П. Маркин. Искусство Третьего рейха. Москва: РИП-холдинг, 2011

Олег Кривцун. В.А. Крючкова. Мимесис в эпоху абстракции: Образы реальности в искусстве второй парижской школы. Москва: Прогресс-Традиция, 2010

Гюльтекин Шамилли. Т.Х. Стародуб. Исламский мир. Художественная культура VII–XVII веков: архитектура, изображение, орнамент, каллиграфия. Москва: Восточная литература, 2010

Григорий Стернин. Вспоминая Владимира Ильича Тасалова