2014 ¹3

Theme of the Issue:
This and the next issue, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the State Institute for Art Studies, demonstrate the broad spectrum of contemporary research endeavors carried out by its staff. These activities take place in line with the context of the longstanding work of the Institute, which is aimed primarily at developing the methodological aspects of the study of art. Bringing together a whole range of strategic directions, in particular, the integrated approach to the study of Russia’s culture, became in many respects possible due to Academician Grigori Sternin, a leading scientist in the field of art studies, who passed away in 2013. The first part of the magazine is devoted to the memory of Grigori Sternin. The research work of the members of his team Russian Artistic Culture has become a prologue to “The History of Russian Art”, a large-scale scientific undertaking of the Institute. Two other sections, “The Art of the Eastern Christian World” and “Architecture. Theory and Practice”, also illustrate the contextual integrated method of art studies.
