2012 №№ 3–4

The RIHA (Research Institutes in the History of Art). The resolution was passed by the RIHA annual assemblies in Brussels (2010) and in Prague (2011) as a result of seminars on the theme of “Assessing Quality in Art History” held in June 2011 at the Sterling and Frances Clark Arts Institute in Wil- liamstown, Massachusetts, USA. The resolution was translated from English by N.E. Feodorova, its publication was prepared by D.V. Trubochkin.


Vladimir Sarabianov. The Image of the Priesthood in the Paintings of Kiev’s St. Sophia. Part II. Program of St.Sophia Cathedral and Old Russian Murals of the XI–XII Centuries

Maria Grinber. Problems of Study Illuminated Manuscripts Minology of Simeon Metaphrastes XI–XII Centuries

Svetlana Maltseva. Some problems of Serbian Medieval Architecture Periodization. The Term “Morava school”


Alexei Kurbanovsky. “Phantoms and Rippers”: Russian Nihilist Terrorists of the 1860-1880s in Painting and in Early Mass Culture

Boris Sokolov. V.V. Kandinsky’s Theory of Non-Objective Art in the 1920s-30s. From Social Prophet to Art Messiah

Evgeny Kondratiev. Cyberarchitecture: Expressive Possibilities and Aesthetic Dimension

Andrey Burov. Artistic Function of Systemic Recurrence in Photography

Alexandr Novikov, Nadezhda Mankovskaya. Philosophy of Art as a Vocation. On V.V. Bychkov's 70's anniversary


Alla Aronova. Fire Gardens of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna

Khlopina Elena. The Problem of “Primitive” in the Russian and American Portraiture of XVIII–XIXth Centuries

Anastasia Loseva. Impressions V.D. Polenov about Egypt in the Context of Memories of Russian Pilgrims and Travelers of the second half of the XIX Century

Olga Davydova. The “Overtones” of Russian Symbolism. F. Botkin, A. Savinov, N. Hafkina and other Artists in the Context of International Modern Style

Polina Trusova. Maurice Denis. “Legend of St. Hubert”: between Symbolism and Classicism

Dmitry Tokarev. “Nothing Has Changed for Two Thousand Years”. Russian Theme in the Painting of Alphonse Mucha

Anastasia Sirenko. The Cimmerian School of Painting. Konstantin Bogayevsky, Mikhael Latri

Yulia Spiridonova. To the History of Existence of N. Roerich Artistic Heritage in the Collections of Paris

Elena Gribonosova-Grebneva. The Image of Height in K.S. Petrov-Vodkin’s Art

Anna Gerasimova. The Ceremonial Crossbows from Braunschweig

Alexander Zhilin. Ornamentation of Cold Steel and Firearms of XVII century in Russia


Elena Borovskaya. The Art of Drawing Applied to Crafts. The St. Petersburg School of Drawing and the Development of Decorative Applied Arts (1839–1917)

Maya Semina. The First Soviet Pinakotheke in Ryazan (1918–1938)

Boris Ioganson. The Initial Thirty Years of Moscow’s Artists’ Union (1932–1962)


Nadezhda Musyankova. Kitsch in Representative Art of the XX Century’s Last Quarter

Svetlana Kazakova. Science Art: Quality Criteria for Contemporary Art in the Cultural Context

Maria Oganesyants. Museum Curatorship as a Factor of Contemporary Art’s Actualization

Рецензии. Конференции

Людмила Софронова. Из истории изучения русского театра. Театральная жизнь в России в эпоху Елизаветы Петровны. Документальная хроника. 1751–1761. Выпуск 3. Книга 1. Составитель, автор вступительной статьи и комментариев Л.М. Старикова

Леонид Таруашвили. Соколов М.Н. Принцип рая: Главы об иконологии сада, парка и прекрасного вида

Ирина Карасик. Александра Струкова. Ленинградская пейзажная школа. 1930–1940-е годы

Mikhail Trenikhin. Reflection on Symbolism in Moscow