2013 №4

Theme of the Issue:
This last issue of the year, as the previous one, is devoted to a dialogue of cultures in visual art and literature (section “Epoch. Artist. Image”). Such a methodological approach to the study of art evolution based on the intention to assert the contextuality of the world artistic process, carries on the best traditions of the Art Studies Magazine, the successor of the almanac Soviet Art Studies first published in 1974 by Soviet Artists Publishers (in 1991 it was renamed Art Studies). From the very start, this publication became the most representational discussion platform on which the country’s leading scholars were able to raise and address the most important topics of the theory and history of art. Published by the State Institute for Art Studies since 1993, the magazine has preserved its high-level scientific content. That is why we are striving to remember those who once determined the level of Russia’s science of art studies. This issue carries the final part of the recollections of E.I.Rotenberg, a classic of Russia’s art studies (section “Memoirs”). Another luminary of Russia’s art studies school, D.V.Sarabyanov, was spoken about at a special event in Tretyakov Gallery and at a roundtable in SIAS (“Miscellaneous” section).



Svetlana Zaigraykina. The V century mosaics of baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte in Naples. Its style and attribution

Michail Venshchikov. The Miracles and Ministry Cycle in st. Ekaterina Church in Thessaloniki

Irina Korchagina. On the Phenomenon of Venice Palazzo

Liya Chechik. The representation of Jerusalem in early Venetian Renaissance painting

Pavel Aleshin. Dosso Dossi’s «Landscape with scenes from the life of the saints» from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Art. Experience of interpretation

Natalya Vavilin. Sacre Rappresentazioni and Council of Ferrara-Florence.

Tatiana Shovskaya. Festival master Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Alla Aronova. The deas of Henry Lenotre as Reflected in Russia’s Parks and Gardens Art of the XVIII Century’s First Third

Alexander Inshakov. Larionov, Romanovich, and Delacroix

Nina Getashvili. Antique Myths as “Personal” Mythology Visualization in the XX Century Art. De Chirico and Dali

Alexei Druzhinin. The Diorama Art in the West and in Russia over the XIXth-early XXth centuries

Mikhail Trenikhin. Impressionism, Cezanne, and Traditions of the XIX cent. French Art in Theoretical Interpretation by Aron Rjeznikov


Lidia Chakovskaya. Talks with E.I. Rotenberg


Энгелина Смирнова. О. Попова, А. Захарова, И. Орецкая. Византийская миниатюра второй половины X – начала XII века. Москва: ГАММА-ПРЕСС, 2012. Издательский проект Банковской группы ЗЕНИТ

Наталья Штольдер. Символизм как художественное направление: Взгляд из ХХI века. Сборник статей / Ответственные редакторы: доктор философских наук Н.А. Хренов, доктор искусствоведения И.Е. Светлов. М.: Государственный институт искусствознания, 2013


Ирина Перфильева. Круглый стол «Актуальные проблемы современного ювелирного искусства России. Школа. Производство. Художник. Музей». 30.05.2013. Российская академия художеств, Научно-исследовательский институт теории и истории изобразительных искусств. Москва

Лия Чечик. Вечер памяти Д.В. Сарабьянова. К 90-летию со дня рождения. 10.10.2013. Государственная Третьяковская галерея. Москва

Анна Корндорф. Круглый стол «Русское искусство среди европейских школ». Памяти Д.В. Сарабьянова. 11.10.2013. Государственный институт искусствознания МК РФ. Москва

Евгения Шидловская. Научно-практическая конференция и круглый стол в рамках проекта «Россия – Голландия. Взаимодействие в сфере охраны, изучения и актуализации культурного наследия». 25.10.2013. Государственный институт искусствознания МК РФ. Москва