2013 ¹3

Theme of the Issue:
The year 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of Art Studies Magazine published at the State Institute for Art Studies (SIAS) known for its integrated study of art. Thus, the theme of the first and second issues of the year – “Crossroads of Cultures” – is relevant not only in the context of modern art history research in general, but from the point of the scholarly endeavor of the Institute as well. Practically all articles of this issue, beginning with an exclusive interview of Professor Peter Mack, director of the Warburg Institute, and ending with chapters from the medieval “The Golden Legends” by Jacobus de Voragine (this is the first publication in Russian) are aimed at identifying the vertical and horizontal relationships that exists among the many stages of the history of art, separate types of creativity and national schools. A number of studies devoted to books as a special sphere of art have conditioned, along with the title section “Crossroads of Culture: Aspects of Study”, the appearance of the section “Books: Text and Illustration as Metaphors of Time”.
